While you’ve been soaking up the sun or wrestling with that latest code, we’ve been stirring up some fun here at FastComet. And no, we’re not just talking about when someone tried to convince us to have meetings on the beach (still working on that one!). August is still rolling, and September is approaching; we’re cruising through these sunny days with fresh energy. Speaking of fresh, meet Petar!

He is our newest customer care team member and self-proclaimed “cPanel Terminator.” Don’t worry, he’s not from a sci-fi movie – Petar earned that nickname during his first week by restarting his training account more times than we can count. That little hiccup didn’t take long to become a team legend!

Even though Petar is new to the team, he’s already diving in headfirst and bringing his unique flair. We’re excited for you to get to know him and hear about his experiences so far.

So, whether you’re cooling off with some iced lemonade or gearing up for that next big project, take a break and chat with Petar. I promise you it’s more fun than watching your neighbor attempt to do a DIY patio furniture assembly under the scorching heat in Plovdiv. Ready to dive in? Let’s go!

What’s Your Current FastComet Title? How Long Have You Been Rocking It?

I’ve been with the team for about three months, fresh out of the gate but already known as the cPanel Terminator at FastComet. It might not be long, but let me tell you, it feels like I’ve been part of this crazy, fantastic team all my life. And yes, earning my title wasn’t exactly on purpose—it all started when I terminated my training account a few times. It quickly became the stuff of legends with my training group!

Describe Your Typical Day at FastComet in Three Emojis

🛏️ – Every morning starts with the struggle to leave this comfort zone.

☕ – Then it’s straight to fuelling up with a necessary caffeine boost to shift gears.

⛺️ – And finally, embracing the unpredictability of each day, much like setting up camp in new and uncharted territories.

Petar, What Gets You Fired Up About Your Role at FastComet?

The thrill of the tech chase is what gets me going! Every day presents new puzzles to solve and digital worlds to conquer. It’s like being a digital detective where every solved case boosts your rank. The dynamic nature of my role keeps the adrenaline pumping, and the endless growth opportunities keep me aiming higher.

FastComet Peter M. #1

Rapid Fire Round

  • Coffee or tea? Coffee, hands down. It’s the fuel for my day.
  • Cats or dogs? Dogs, without a doubt. They’re loyal, just like I am to my team and tasks.
  • Early bird or night owl? I’m an adaptive creature—an early bird when needed, a night owl by choice.
  • What emoji best describes you? 💯 – Because I give it my all whatever I do.

What’s Your Go-to Unwind Activity After a Busy Day at FastComet?

After a bustling day, you’ll find me outdoors—training at the stadium, hitting the gym, or catching up with friends. Moving keeps my mind clear and my spirits high.

What’s Your Most Significant Professional or Personal Goal for This Year?

My mantra for the year is simple: Be a better version of myself each day. Beyond the tech world, it’s about building a life filled with meaningful relationships, robust health, and, yes, maybe a bit of world domination on the side.

FastComet Peter M. #2

What Would be the Title and Genre if Your Career at FastComet Were a Movie?

Call it ‘The cPanel Terminator: Adventures in Tech Support.’ It’s a mix of comedy, drama, and action. In it every day brings new challenges, laughs, and opportunities to prove that every mishap is a step towards mastery.

What’s the One Thing on Your Desk That Always Makes You Smile?

My desk is like a little cockpit of comfort and energy. The one thing that always brings a smile to my face is the ever-present pack of cigarettes paired with a steaming cup of coffee. It’s a combo that has seen me through countless challenges and triumphs. While I know it’s not the healthiest habit, my little ritual keeps me grounded and ready to tackle whatever the day throws. It’s not just about the nicotine or caffeine kick;. It’s about the moment of peace they bring in the whirlwind of daily tasks.

What’s Your Favorite Part About Working Remotely, Petar?

Working remotely has been a game-changer for me, and my favorite part is the incredible flexibility it offers. It’s not just about working in my pajamas or avoiding a commute—though those perks are great! It’s about how seamlessly I can weave my work with my personal life. Whether it’s being able to take a midday break to run errands or simply being present for family and friends, remote work fits my life like a glove. This integration helps me maintain solid relationships and manage daily responsibilities without sacrificing my professional goals. It empowers me to be at my best, both personally and professionally, because I can be exactly where I’m needed when I’m needed.

What’s One App or Tool You Couldn’t Live Without in Your Daily Work?

Well, it’s not like I cannot live without it, but it has to be ChatGPT. Sometimes it is beneficial to search for information there, and it is so easy and quick to use. The magic trick I always use is to specify that it should be short and brief to avoid prolonged answers with lots of useless information.


As we finish our interview with Petar, it’s clear that he’s a valuable addition to our team and a symbol of FastComet’s dynamic growth. While you’ve been enjoying summer or tackling coding challenges, we’ve been working on improving our services. Speaking of growth, you might recall Georgi Y.’s recent article about our exciting summer project – the launch of the FastComet Marketplace. This game-changing platform, which Petar has quickly become familiar with, is revolutionizing how our users access and utilize our platform. From our updated Cloud Servers section to the user-friendly interface, finding the perfect VPS or Dedicated CPU server has never been easier.

But at FastComet, we’re always looking ahead. As Petar settles into his role and prepares for new challenges, we, too, are gearing up for the future. Remember Georgi’s hint about “powerful new solutions in the works”? Well, we’re thrilled to share more details about what’s coming later this year:

  • GPU Servers for graphics-intensive projects
  • High Memory Servers for extensive data processing
  • Premium CPU Servers for top-tier performance demands

These additions are designed to ensure that no matter the complexity of your digital ambitions, FastComet stands ready to support and propel your growth.

Keep an eye on our updates, and don’t hesitate to contact us if you’re ready to take your web hosting experience to the next level. Let’s enter a season of growth, innovation, and success together!

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